a fictional character skillfully portrayed by WKTV’s A .J. Canostrel.
Often dark and moody, she appeared in weekly broadcasts spewing her unique style of horror and self-deprecating humor while picking her teeth with an 8" switchblade!
An Italian American, she has toured extensively throughout the US and abroad since childhood with her family. The Canostrel’s were a professional Circus Troupe performing acrobatics, high-wire aerials and comedy. It was in this creative setting that she honed her skills as a hair and makeup artist, costume designer and performer.
Ms.Canostrel came to New York in her early 20’s to study dance and drama, attending several notable schools. As an outlet for her artistic energies, she waited tables at local restaurants, started her own jewelry company, danced professionally and became an integral part of the production staff at WKTV (the weekly show).
As a waitress it is often said, she left an indelible blight on NYC’s food service industry as the “infection for which there was no cure”
Cassandra Landau - Gallery Coordinator