Thursday, November 12, 2009

Hermaphrodite: Les premiers signes de vie

Les premiers signes de vie, is the sixth installment of automatist digital sculpture to be added to the Neoclassic collection of Abstract Automatism.

The portrait was originally conceived in the summer of 2008, only six months after the artist began his experimentation with digital image manipulation.

In a recent interview (to be viewed on Facebook) he was asked the question, How do you choose a theme or style to work with?

Quote: For the greater part, I would have to say it chooses me. When I begin to work on a blank (digital) canvas, what generally materializes is an image that reflects the current mood. Because I don't sketch or outline a specific image, the energy of the moment will dictate the direction in which the sculpture will ultimately be viewed.

When the work is commissioned (usually a photograph), it is the elements in that image that determine the theme for the subject. Once that has been established, it becomes more about the mood which is reflected in the use of color and shading...

Cassandra Landau - Gallery Coordinator