Sunday, November 14, 2010

Cyber Stalking and Beyond

Dear Friends,
We at the Galerie de Maubidea, wish to take a moment and thank you for your continued readership and support.

It comes as no revelation that the issue of Internet Stalking and Harassment as expressed in the article, Silent Manifesto (The Pathetic Yelpings of a Delusional Misogynist), has been of interest to so many...

A brief history . . .

On October 28, 2010, the total number of cross-post readers surpassed 46,000 viewings. As of Nov 14th, local readership has increased to 50,000 and continues to grow!

I am also very pleased about the acceptance of the “Talking Heads” dialogues, featuring ikye and Regina Queens. 

It is my sincerest hope that few of you will ever encounter the “bottom feeding scum” that manage to personally thrive from this type of criminal activity. Unlike other crimes, these acts of predation are perhaps the LOWEST form of illicit endeavors in our culture.

Speaking as a Stalking Victim to an envious admirer, we the public do have effective Legal Resources at our disposal.

Cyber Predators are quite simply, faceless cowards!

They hide behind scores of endless names and faux email addresses. They target the weak and the small… i.e. men, women and children who cannot defend themselves fairly.

As a side note, approximately “one in ten” Internet users will become the Victim of a Stalker at some point in their lifetime. Therefore, "it is in ones best interest to have a knowledge of the battle's terrain" . . . Sun Tzu


According to the FBI and Crime Victim Databases, Internet Stalkers are usually socially maladjusted and inept individuals. They are often emotionally immature and to no ones surprise, subject to feelings of powerlessness . . .

Stalker types have an inability to succeed in relationships by socially-acceptable means. They remain extremely insecure about themselves and suffer from acute, Low Self-Esteem. Equally noted, is the curious similarity between certain male Stalker behaviors and that of a jilted teenage girl.

The same can be said about making unreasonable demands on family members (spouse, children etc), while attempting to control every aspect of their lives via emotional blackmail, intimidation and possibly violence. These behaviors are often the source for their own self-worth and therefore crucial to the disorder(s) and the individual's parasitic nature. 

In the case of my own degenerate “slosh bag”, it appears to experience delusional episodes as well…

For your convenience, new articles and support links will be uploaded in the near future. If you would like to stay current, follow the article in the Village Voice, Arts and Entertainment Forum of for updates. Thank you all...

Ron Maubidea - Artist in Residence