Monday, September 5, 2011

Gallery Mail Room - August

A note from ikye and Regina
To all the fans... we are presently building a new website, 
FREE of gorilla advertising and policy restrictions 

Words alone cannot express how much we appreciated your
continued readership, over the past year

Recent Mail . . .
@ Regina: I love the way she talks... Kylie
William Uk says... This is brilliant in a strange way

@ ikye: my kind of girl... Chidra
David... loved reading you
Erika & Ray: you spilled foie gras worng you idots!

Debora: stay in touch, my email is . . .
Mel & Pia - we should all go out for drinks ;) ;)
SV... you are invited to the World is Beautiful competition
Natalia - best ending ever, I love you both
Jeanie... more croissants and coffee pleeeese!

Re: Tribal Life - ADS Exercise 7
Tw13... wtf is homanoid, why does it have a vision?
Jeffery... Hominoids- removed when they started to hurt 
SV - The First Edition sounds fine... moloko too!

@ Ron... Hopelessly Committed, can I use it in my profile?
@ ST - Absolutely... and enjoy 

Cassandra Landau - Gallery Coordinator
Photo credits: N.Wojciechowska and Bartek Snieciński